Researching on the topic
The topic chosen by you must be well researched on. This is an essential part of writing a good content.The impression you are trying to make here is to let your readers see you as an expert, which is why you need research to gather your facts, ideas and examples. Research shouldn't take much time if you know what you are looking for and how to look for it �� . You can use search engines to research your blog post. Amazon can also be of help, as i heard its one of the best for researching blog post niche.
The title of the topic
The title of your topic must be very short, attractive and related to the subject matter or the content. "keep the title short and on topic" . Some post have a good content but the title is either off topic or too long.Using this post as an example, i can draft out at least 3 suitable titles;* Five steps needed when writing a good topic* How to write a good topic for your blog* Steps involved in writing a good blog content
The content
Having found the suitable title for your article/post, and after doing enough research, the next step is to write on your subject matter based on what you have researched. This is where the real work comes in. The subject matter (content) should be well explanatory, so your readers can understand easily.The content should also contain images, videos or other ways of visual representation (if necessary) for better understanding.You can also in clude relevant or related links at the middle of the content.Remember! that you are not the first and won't be the last that will write on that topic, which is why you have to make your content unique (different from what others have written).TIP: Content sometimes determine the durability of readers on your blog
Visual representation
The use of images, videos etc helps readers a lot. Some explanation are better done visually. When writing your content, don't forget to include necessary images/screenshots related to the information you are trying to pass across to the readers. The use of visual representation make readers quickly assimilate and recollect because some readers in our century can hardly memorize two or three lines of written text but can summarize a season film without watching it twice. ��TIP: You can also make tutorial videos(if necessary)
Proof Reading
After you're done writing your content, you should proof read it as many times as possi ble to correct mistakes that might have occurred.If you are not that good at proof reading, you can hire a proof reader or you can pass it to two or three friends of yours to proof read it for you.TIP: Beware Of Article Ripper Disguised As a Proof-Reader.
Source: Steps Involved In Writing A Good Blog Post
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