At the beginning of this year I have quit consulting and set out to build GO2CINEMA – Fast, simple and secure way to book cinema tickets in the UK. I have done a splendid job making it fast, simple and secure. However, it has come at the cost of SEO.
Results searching for "" do not include titles or descriptions.Google is claiming to be able to index content generated using JavaScript. I have had no such luck. I even made sure that Fetch as Google service is rendering the pages properly. Despite all of this effort, suggestions in the SERP continue to appear with no content, even after requesting Google to re-index the content.
Rendering pages server-side is hardOver the years, I have worked on multiple React projects that use server-side rendering. One of the two things have happened in all of the cases:
Neither of these options are acceptable. I want free universal rendering without changing a single line of my client-side code.
Pre-rendering pages for SEOI have started researching options that would allow to serve static HTML (rendered version of the SPA) to the search engines.
In the past, Google has recommended to use _escaped_fragment_ AJAX crawling schema. This approach has been since deprecated. However, some services continue to leverage it, e.g. The good news is that (based on my research and surveying) it appears to work: websites using are properly indexed in SERP. However, this approach has several disadvantages:
Furthermore, in the specific case of
Finally, a small thing, but if you are building a service that is meant to improve SEO, then you might as well aim for higher scores. website is not doing good in PageSpeed Insights test Pre-rendering pages for everyone!Meet ūsus, a Node.js program that:
ūsus has the following use cases:
You can test ūsus from a command line:
$ npm install usus --global$ usus --help$ usus render --url$ usus render --url --inlineStyles$ usus render --url --cookies foo=bar,baz=qux# Render emulating the iPhone 6$ uses render --url --deviceMetricsOverride.deviceScaleFactor 2 --deviceMetricsOverride.fitWindow false --deviceMetricsOverride.height 1334 true --deviceMetricsOverride.width 750Using ūsus in a Node.js program is equally simple:
import {render} from 'usus';/*** @see*/const configuration = {}
const css = await render('', configuration);
How to use ūsus to pre-render a website?ūsus is designed to produce a static version of the website using a background job.
Do not use ūsus to render resources at the time of the request; it will be slow. It can be made a lot faster by using process pooling, etc. However, a lot more scalable option is to produce a static version of a web page using a background job and serve user the pre-rendered document.
I am using a background job to generate GO2CINEMA movie and venue pages. A proxy is used to detect whether a pre-rendered
GO2CINEMA is running a background job that renders movie and venue pages. In addition to rendering the pages, it uses ūsus inlineStyles option to optimize the critical rendering path.
Time will show whether this improves results for Meanwhile, PageSpeed Insights is giving GO2CINEMA a near perfect score.
GO2CINEMA is getting near perfect PageSpeed Insights score Bonus: rendering device specific pagesEarlier I've mentioned that one of the downsides of using is that responsive websites (where responsiveness is achieved using JavaScript), get re-rendered on the client-side because of the HTML not matching the application layout rules.
In GO2CINEMA, I am using ūsus to prerender pages for different devices. The web server is using user-agent and (paid service) database to recognize the device and serve a device-specific pre-rendered version of the page.
Can you help me with GO2CINEMA?GO2CINEMA is my baby. I love working working on it 😍. However, it is my first startup this decade and there are a lot of things I need help with.
If you can give feedback, an SEO advice, a business advice, know an angel investor, know someone who can write an article about GO2CINEMA, make a tweet, invite me to a conference, a radio talk show, etc. or just want to express your support/ curiosity and say "Hi!", email me at or DM via Twitter,
Source: Pre-rendering SPA for SEO and improved perceived page loading speed
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