Monday, May 2, 2016

SEO Strategies for White Label Dating Sites – By Sam Van Campenhout

Getting your dating site to the first pages of search results can be a difficult task, but reaps great rewards if done correctly. It's important that you include SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as part of your marketing strategy. If you are receiving traffic from search engines, then it's critical that you maintain your efforts.

We will focus on optimization with the goal of hitting high positioning in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages), particularly on Google, by creating quality content on your site and by building links into your site through four steps.

These factors alone will not ensure your place, but will give you a solid chance.

1. Content Marketing Strategy

Determine the keywords you are going to focus on, and build your content marketing strategy around them. Each piece of content you create will generate an opportunity for people to link to, so focus on unique and quality content.Every blog or video you add, and any research material, will all contribute towards your content marketing. The content itself is likely to get ranked so it is important to make sure you pay attention to the keywords used in any titles, or in the body of the content including captions on graphics. Continued addition of content will let Google know your site is active.

2. Person with Influence

Ideally, this person will have already built up an audience and reputation as a leading authority in online dating. The more people sharing your content and starting to help build your positive reputation, the more Google will take note. Whether its you or a third party, your goal will be to talk about your site and link through to it. Google will look very positively on this, and it can contribute greatly to your SEO positioning.

3. Backlinks from Reputable Sources

Building a relationship with a key influencer will help to establish strong backlinks to your site. Having your content published on well known websites is a good way to do this. Taking part in media interviews or commenting as an industry expert can often result in quality links to your site.

You can also refer your content to other influencers in the hopes that they will link back. There are a number of tools out there that you can use to monitor links to websites.

4. Mobile Friendly

Google regularly updates its algorithm to ensure users always get the most relevant results. In April 2015, a substantial update put extra weight on sites that were mobile or tablet friendly. Those sites that had adopted a responsive design came out the winners, as each visitor to the site is shown content which is optimized to the device they are using.

Sites that weren't optimized for mobile devices were punished and lost substantial traffic, as they dropped off the first pages of SERPs. A responsive design, plus having a mobile specific site setup on a mobile sub-domain, should also help you avoid Google's disapproval.

Sam Van Campenhout, CMO, has two decades of International marketing experience in online advertising.

This article appeared in issue 34 of FeedFront Magazine, which was published in April 2016.

Source: SEO Strategies for White Label Dating Sites – By Sam Van Campenhout

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