Sunday, May 22, 2016

Tactics for Achieving Better Search Engine Rankings Organically

Mark Hendricks

Mark Hendricks is a senior marketing consultant working in a leading Utah SEO company. Mark specializes in advising small and medium businesses that are making their initial forays into the online space.

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Search engine optimization has emerged to be pretty much of a science and less of an art because there's a rationale behind every interpretation by a search engine that is responsible for driving rankings up or down. You need to ensure that you implement the right strategies and tactics so that your website can impress your target audiences as well as search engines like Google. As far as SEO is concerned, you need to know that there are really no shortcuts to achieve super page rankings. Search engines are only concerned about providing their users' results that are relevant and meeting their information requirements optimally. Consequently, the pages that are deemed to more useful and relevant to the users' query get better rankings on the search engine results page.

In 2016, more than ever before, SEO will be about user intent, and you need a cohesive strategy to support your efforts on marketing content. You can no longer get by identifying keywords for ranking and then including them arbitrarily into your content. To enhance your visibility you need to consider adopting some of the following guidelines for effective SEO:

Quality of Content

It is extremely important that your website has content that is valuable and also unique so that your website is deemed to be a worthwhile resource for users. Whatever be the sector you are operating in, you need to ensure that the content is relevant and fits the needs of users. You can do this easily by continuously updating the earlier content, addressing emerging trends, and delivering contents that help users in actually achieving something they require.

You also need to undertake a conscious strategy to acquire backlinks from sites that are considered to be authoritative in your domain. If you have no clue on backlink acquisition, it is advisable that you start talking with a competent Utah SEO company. The better your own content is, the more it is likely that other sites would want to link to you. Google is especially sensitive to the number of links and gives better page rankings to those sites that have more.

Title Tags That Are Relevant

Every page in a website has a provision for including a title tag that lets search engines know what is on that page. You have a maximum of 55 characters to describe the page contents and include appropriate keywords and phrases so that Google can use them to match the intent of the user and include the page in the SERP. Higher the relevance, better your page rank. Depending on the accuracy of your title tag, you will be able to capture more traffic. So, this is especially vital for an Internet marketing company. However, make sure that you have contents that match the expectations of the visitors; else you will end up doing irreversible damage to your online reputation.

Create Distinctive Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are visible to the online user and help describe the page contents. Meta descriptions that are relevant to the information requirement of the users help you to achieve a high CTR which in turn improves your page rankings. Limit the description to about 150 characters; include relevant keywords and a CTA that spurs a user to click on the link.

Include Structured Data

Google favors structured data on a web page when searches are performed by users. Among the numerous types of data structures available, Schema is especially helpful in improving the click-through-rate and makes your page stand out better in comparison to the competition. Regardless of whether they are locations, ratings or even images, the appearance of this information on the SERP helps make your site more interesting and attractive for clicking.

Use H1 Tags Correctly

Include your H1 tags towards the web page top so that it is possible for you to introduce your contents in a more logical and appropriate way to users. Essentially, H1 tags act as the header of the page on which they appear and give an idea to the user what the page contents are.

Source: Tactics for Achieving Better Search Engine Rankings Organically

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