Friday, March 25, 2016

One Local #SEO Got His 60 Clients Penalized In One Night

One Local SEO Got His 60 Clients Penalized In One Night A Google My Business Help thread has a local SEO who is furious with Google that over 60 of his clients were suspended from Google My Business (the local maps listings) overnight because he manages all these clients in a single account. A consultant had ... read moreThree years on from Google Panda, many travel sites struggle with traffic There was no notification of what Google terms a "manual penalty," so one assumes ... consumer travel sites. By 2013, this had reduced to 35%. In contrast, for paid search, there's been no real change. In both 2010 and 2013, 60% of the most visible ... read more

European Central Bank to unveil fresh stimulus measures to fire up eurozone economy "The ECB's decisions are a heavy burden for savers and insurers", Markus Soeder, the minister for finance in Bavaria, one of Germany's biggest ... claims referee didn't think penalty should have been given The goal was only his eighth since he joined ... read moreTrial By Fire After he patted out the fire on his hair, he said, he got down on the ground and groped in the dark. "I thought I found one ... penalty. Subsequent tests, however, revealed that the laboratory identification of gasoline was wrong. Moreover, a local ... read moreFive signs your SEO agency sucks A couple of months back I wrote a popular little piece on how to spot new SEO clients that may ... As it turned out we got a number of applicants from a local SEO agency. And after speaking to each of their employees one thing became abundantly clear ... read moreHow municipalities in St. Louis County, Mo., profit from poverty After all the recent national attention on Ferguson, local attorneys are floored. "It's just completely tone deaf," says Khazaeli. "They got ... one incident in which after successfully negotiating with a prosecutor to reduce his clients' fines ... read moreWhy Some Men Pretend to Work 80-Hour Weeks For instance, in describing his colleagues, one Partner told me ... (such as cultivating mostly local clients, or building alliances with other colleagues), such that they could work predictable schedules in the 50 to 60 hour range. read moreJust When You Think You Have All The Answers The reason I mention the WWE is because awhile back, one of its most colorful characters had a famous quote that seems very analogous to the current state of SEO: "Just when you think you have all the answers, I CHANGE THE QUESTIONS!" – Rowdy Roddy ... read moreGoogle Glass Turns 2: Here Are 60 Brands & Businesses Using It Below, our list of 60 brands ... drinks to Google Glass wearers. Smart marketing, too: The news earned the hotel national attention, good buzz online and the chance to host one of the biggest gatherings of Glass Explorers last Friday night. read moreGoogle Slaps Marketing Company Portent for Unnatural Links His site now can be found on Page 60 of Google ... Portent's clients have been impacted, Lurie reported. He promised to continue reporting on his attempts to get the penalty lifted as "the ultimate case study." I know I'll be following this one with ... read more

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Source: One Local #SEO Got His 60 Clients Penalized In One Night

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